Servant Leadership

St. Alban’s strives to produce leaders who will transform the world for the better, deal successfully with life’s crises or problems, and know what it is that God is calling them to be and do by using their gifts. St. Alban’s students are taught to demonstrate excellent character, personal integrity, moral development, and service to others.

As a community, we are committed to encouraging a servant of leadership that Jesus himself taught and modeled for his disciples. Students are taught this through weekly chapel and religion classes as well as in their day to day dealings with teachers and fellow students.

Our oldest students (6th grade) travel monthly to assist the Food Pantry with food distribution. All our students are included in understanding what it means to be a servant leader in our school, our community and our homes by participating in monthly outreach programs organized by the Rectors of the church.

Learning is a lifetime process. Growth in learning is unique to each child.