Learning is a lifetime process. Growth in learning is unique to each child.



The cost of a private school like St. Alban’s is significant. We are committed to making the St. Alban’s experience affordable to all students who meet our admission criteria and are offered a space through the admission process.
Our tuition assistance program is based largely on financial need. An integral part of our educational philosophy is to promote socioeconomic diversity among our student body. To achieve this goal, the school allocates more than $40,000 of the annual operating budget to tuition assistance – helping many of our families bridge the gap between what they can contribute financially and the price of tuition.

It is difficult to predict whether a family will qualify for tuition assistance, as circumstances vary dramatically and the demand for assistance changes each year. If after reviewing the cost of attending St. Alban’s, your family feels that paying full tuition would be a financial burden, we recommend you apply for tuition assistance. The following information will help you understand the process and requirements assistance. If at any time you would like to have a private consultation, our Business Manager, Christina Uribe is available to do so.


Need-based Tuition Assistance
St. Alban’s seeks to attract a diverse and talented student body and is committed to providing tuition assistance to students who qualify. Need-based assistance is granted on the basis of demonstrated need and the availability of funds each year. St. Alban’s follows the guidelines of the FAST, a third party organization which analyzes the financial situation of applicants based on a number of factors.

Tuition Assistance Application Deadlines
Tuition assistance application materials are made available to applicants who are offered a space and have registered and are inquiring for tuition assistance. For more information, please contact Ms. Christina at businessmanager@stalbansharlingen.org. 

April 11: Initial tuition assistance forms must be filled out on the FAST website
June 1: Tuition assistance notifications are e-mailed.

April 11: Initial tuition assistance forms must be filled out on the FAST website

June 1: Tuition assistance notifications are e-mailed.

2025 - 2026 Tuition Rates


Everything you need to start your StA journey.

Ready to Apply?

Click to download your application